Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Be Fluent in Every Language With Google Translate

You are probably already familiar with the website https://translate.google.com/. Maybe you have your students who are learning English use it. Maybe you use it to help you write emails & texts to parents. It's great! But the Google Translate app that you can download for free onto a smart phone will BLOW YOUR MIND.

If you don't have it yet, go to the App Store on your phone and install it.

Google Translate App

Open it up, and select Conversation. Choose a language to translate to, and talk into it. When you pause, it will say what you said, in the other language.

Mind blowing, right? You can have a full conversation with another person in another language.

But wait, there's more! Click on Camera then aim your phone at this screen.

Isn't that amazing?